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Hicks Was A Key Figure In Trumps White House

Hope Hicks, Trump's Former Gatekeeper, May Testify in Mueller Investigation

Hicks Was a Key Figure in Trump's White House

Hope Hicks, who served as communications director for the Trump White House, is likely to be questioned by prosecutors as part of the Mueller investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Hicks is known as a calming force for the former president and was considered to be a confidante.

Hicks May Have Knowledge of Key Events

Prosecutors may question Hicks on her knowledge of key events during the Trump presidency, including the firing of FBI Director James Comey and the Trump campaign's contacts with Russia. Hicks was reportedly present for many of these events and may have firsthand information about what transpired.


Hicks' testimony could be a major step forward in the Mueller investigation. If she provides prosecutors with information about Trump's involvement in any wrongdoing, it could lead to criminal charges against the former president. The investigation is ongoing, and it remains to be seen what Hicks will say to prosecutors. However, her testimony is likely to be closely watched by both sides in this high-stakes case.
