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Henry Cuellar Voting Record

Henry Cuellar's Voting Record

Missed Roll Call Votes: An Overview

A Detailed Analysis

From January 2005 to April 2024, Henry Cuellar, a Democratic representative from Texas's 28th congressional district, missed 210 out of 12,918 roll call votes, an absence rate of 16%. This rate is comparable to the median of 20% among all representatives during that time period.

Cuellar's missed votes spanned a wide range of issues, including healthcare, immigration, and tax legislation. In some instances, he explained his absences due to personal or family emergencies. However, there were also occasions where he missed votes without providing a public explanation.

Despite his missed votes, Cuellar has generally supported Democratic Party positions. He has voted in favor of healthcare reform, environmental protection, and gun control. He has also opposed tax cuts that benefit the wealthy.


Henry Cuellar's voting record is complex and nuanced. He has missed a significant number of roll call votes, but his absences have generally not affected the outcome of any legislative measures. While his voting record is largely in line with Democratic Party positions, there have been instances where he has broken with party leadership.

Ultimately, it is up to the voters of Texas's 28th congressional district to decide whether Cuellar's voting record is acceptable. His constituents will weigh his missed votes against his overall record of support for their interests when making their decision.
